September 25, 2021

The Measure of Music


There is a long connection between music and mathematics, asserts Tomoko. Both require precision and order. Both deal with proportion and harmony. Both use pattern creatively. Music is very measured, and mathematics has its own kind of rhythm.

Every measurement has a unit of measure: one second, one inch, one pound. And for music it is literally one measure: one bar of music. That measure is the basis for the rhythm, the meter, of the piece, particularly when accented. Without measures, the music could become, in a way, unmusical, just meandering notes.

Nevertheless, the use of barlines, indicating a measure, is a relatively recent invention. The first use of barlines, in the 15th and 16th century, sometimes marked off a section and other times marked individual beats. Todays’ use of barlines, a consistent measure unit, dates back to the 17th century.

Even with this measured scoring, music is ultimately measured in its performance – and the experience of the listener can sometimes be measureless, transcending any mathematical unit.




September 22, 2021

School librarian value study

 Research shows that certified librarians and greater investment in school libraries are tied to improved academic outcomes for students. Fort Worth Independent School District conducted a study to "determine if there was a significant difference between the schools flagged by the state for chronically low academic achievement and the schools with high achievement despite a greater than 70% economically disadvantaged population."

“Our findings were that students at the higher performing schools checked out twice as many books as students at IR (Improvement Required) schools and the circulation of Spanish language books was 40% higher,” Cook said. “The higher performing schools allocated an average of $2.30 more per student for library books than the IR schools and had 15% more books in their library collections.”

Fort Worth Independent School District. (2021). Kids are not reading at grade level. Why don't all Fort Worth schools invest in books? Forth Worth Star-Telegram.