December 17, 2016

Reading for Life

Obviously, Tomoko reads music – scores of scores. And not surprisingly, she has read lots of books on musicians and composers. Her knowledge base of the musical universe is both broad and deep. Such knowledge informs her performance, and she passes this information onto her students.

What is less well known is that Tomoko likes other kinds of reading as well. She particularly likes biographies that reveal compelling stories and personalities. Tomoko has been known to suggest a good book to colleagues, tantalizing them with a vivid scene from the book. Tomoko says,“I enjoy other people’s lives and challenges. Everyone should write a biography.”

Tomoko has always had an interest in different people and ways of life, and books enable her to vicariously experience a wide variety of cultures and times. Even though Tomoko has travelled a lot, and has lived a rich life, her reading extends her interest even more. Through such reading, Tomoko asserts,
“I learn from others. That’s my education -- good or bad.”

By learning how how people think and perceive the world, Tomoko is able to relate to people even more effectively. She concludes, “Church gives you belief. Books gives you ideas, and open your mind about people.”

Another gift Tomoko gives to her students and broader audience is this blog, which captures some of her experiences and insights. We all benefit from her shared reading and writing.