It’s time for the winter Olympics again. Tomoko’s daughter
Beata competed as an ice dancer in the 2002 Olympics in Salt Lake City
(convenient for her, but not as exotic as South Korea). Tomoko attended those
Olympic Games, naturally, and often accompanied Beata to other skating
competitions. In the process, Tomoko has seen many parallels between Olympians
and pianists.
Fundamentally, both fields depend on the body and its
mastery. Both fields require detailed physical coordination. Just as there is a
correct foot position, there is also a correct hand position. Furthermore,
training the body requires discipline and daily practice. Basic moves need to become automatic, and even
an entire performance has to be mastered so well that that one can depend on
muscle memory. Both fields also involve rhythmic movement, and music certainly
facilitates the body’s flow.
Training and support are also similar. The teacher makes a
significant difference in the student’s learning experience. In both cases,
students need to learn the basic techniques, and practice them dutifully – and correctly.
The teacher selects the developmentally
appropriate pieces or routines for the student to master, and there is a “canon”
of classics in each case. The teacher is both supportive and challenging;
targeting the trouble spots – and helping the student see them as personal
challenges to overcome. The teacher has to be sure that the student pays
attention to every detail, and master it, at which point the student can add
personal interpretation to deepen the performance.
Competition is another shared hallmark. In both cases,
competition usually starts locally and low-stakes. Years of practice and
performance are needed before one can enter and succeed at the national level. The
higher the stakes, the more complicated the performance and the more exacting
the judging. Both the stress level and the level of accomplishment are higher.
But the payoff and the exhilarating feeling are worth the effort hopefully.
So when you hear the music of an ice skating or ice dancing
performance at the Olympics, think of the music and the musicians too. They are
all professionals in spirit.
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