May 12, 2018

Keys to Quality

What makes up quality?

“Quality is a constant,” Tomoko asserts. Furthermore, she thinks: “We are born with a sense of quality. Therefore, we need to start with the best taste in music.”

In terms of composition, Tomoko states, “The ingredients of music need to be the best.” For those individuals may have heard similar motifs in different musical pieces, Tomoko muses, “Steal ideas from the best.”

To express that quality requires high-quality performance. As a performer, the pianist needs to interpret the composition as musically authentically as possible.  The performer needs to know the piece well enough that it becomes part of that person’s muscle memory, freeing one to consciously focus on expression. Performers also know that the quality of the piano itself impacts the quality of the performance – and the ability to showcase the composition.

Furthermore, quality refers to piano instruction. Parents should find out about teachers’ reputation. Tomoko recommends, “Try different teachers” to insure the optimum match between the teacher and their children. Students also need a solid performance foundation: with technique and music theory knowledge. Furthermore, students also need to incorporate expression, drawing upon their own experience and empathetic imagination. Tomoko reiterates the importance of quality: “Part of that instruction involves exposing students to the classics to instill formal musical taste.”

When all of these factors are optimized, then quality is optimized. Music is a most human endeavor – and not only elevates sound but humanity itself.

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