April 10, 2020

Calming Chopin

During the current pandemic, music can have a calming effect. Tomoko agrees: "Music can be a simple accent, like a flower." She asserts, "If everyone would listen to music, the world we be more peaceful." 

Tomoko considers Chopin to be very quiet sometimes. "He hardly touched the keyboard, but he was a good pianist." Some favorites of his include:

·        Ballade Op. 23 in Gm,
·        Concerto No. 1 in Em,
·        Nocturne No. 2 in Eflat M,
·        Nocturne Op. 9 No. 1 in Bm,
·        Nocturne Op. 27 No. 1 Larghetto and No. 2 in Dflat minor,
·        Nocturne Op. 37 No. 1 in Gm,
·        Nocturne Op. 48 No. 1 in Cm and No. 2 in F#m,
·        Nocturne Op. 55 No. 1 in Fm,
·        Prelude Op. 28 No. 4 in Em,
·        Walzes Op. 64 No. 2 in C#m

Tomoko remarks, "One day if you're very depressed, you don't want to hear music. You have to be quiet." That can be a good time to be quiet in nature. In the seemingly quiet of the out-of-doors, you can feel the rhythm of life. It beats in the silence of your heart. And as you become calmer, you can start to hear nature's sounds, which can be music to your ears and psyche. "A bird singing, a tree waving; nature shows that silence is variable music."

But Tomoko  goes on to say, “You can’t go without sound for too long.”

May music bring a calming spring to your lives.

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